Empowering UI Test Automation using AI: Brief Overview of Testim.io Capabilities

Eleonora Belova
5 min readJul 25, 2023


Photo Credit: Google Images


In today’s competitive landscape, software companies are heavily investing in enhancing user experience, refining their tools, incorporating DevOps practices, and leveraging automated procedures while adopting cloud infrastructure.

However, there’s often a tendency to treat testing as an afterthought until it becomes clear that it’s a critical factor in delivering high-quality products and can even become a bottleneck in the product delivery process.

For web applications, manual test cases can become challenging to perform and maintain, especially when the primary goal is to achieve fast deployment. This is where UI Automation emerges as a valuable solution, ensuring that the website functions correctly. Not only does UI Automation facilitate efficient testing during development, but it also proves invaluable for executing regression testing. By running automated tests, engineers can verify that any changes made to the code do not reintroduce previously resolved bugs.

By adopting a comprehensive testing strategy and incorporating UI Automation, companies can enjoy the benefits of faster and more reliable software deployments, enhanced user satisfaction, and increased confidence in the product’s overall quality.

What are the challenges in UI Test Automation?

There are list of challenges when it comes to UI Automation:

  • Complicated functionalities of UI Components

One of the significant challenges in UI Automation is dealing with complex UI components. Modern applications often have user interfaces with dynamic elements, making it difficult to accurately interact with and test these components. Handling such complexities requires well-developed automation scripts and constant updates as the UI evolves.

  • Changing locators/elements constantly

User interfaces are subject to frequent changes during the development process. UI elements’ locators may change due to updates, modifications, or redesigns. This makes the automation scripts reliant on specific element locators which is vulnerable to breakage, resulting in the need for regular maintenance.

  • Multiple Errors Handling

UI Automation can lead to various types of errors, such as element not found, timing issues, or synchronization problems. Dealing with these errors effectively in the automation framework is crucial to maintaining the reliability of the testing process.

  • Rapidly evolving testing tooling and technologies

The landscape of UI Automation tools and technologies is evolving rapidly, with new options constantly emerging. While this brings the advantage of improved reliability and efficiency, it can be challenging for teams to keep up with the latest trends and determine which tools are best suited for their specific testing needs.

Available UI Test Automation Solutions On The Market

If we start thinking about UI Testing Automation Solutions, Selenium is undoubtedly a powerful and widely used UI Automation tool with an extensive community and robust features. However, it also comes with certain drawbacks, such as:

  • Maintenance efforts

Selenium tests rely on a single element locator (for example, class, name, id, etc.). Changes to the application, especially those in elements’ identifiers will break Selenium tests. This stops releases in their tracks as teams try to diagnose failures, fix tests, and rerun them. It causes long time of maintenance.

  • Learning curve

Selenium’s powerful capabilities and flexibility in creating test cases can result in a steep learning curve, especially for newcomers to UI Automation. Investing significant time in mastering Selenium and its various features can be a challenge, particularly when teams are under pressure to deliver results quickly.

To address these challenges effectively, it is essential for teams to carefully choose their UI Automation tools, considering factors like ease of maintenance, robust error handling, and a balance between powerful features and simplicity.

Additionally, investing in continuous learning and skill development will enable testers to make the most of the available automation tools and technologies while ensuring efficient and effective UI testing.

Testim.io Tool: How it helps teams to improve the testing process.

There are some tools available on the market which can mitigate pain points of traditional tools like Selenium. By using AI powered tool it is possible to decrease time spent on maintenance and ensuring smooth and fast authoring of test cases.

One such remarkable example is Testim.io, a cloud-based platform that empowers testers with efficient test case authoring, maintenance, and execution without the need for extensive coding expertise.

During last several month out team had exposure to this tool and we began utilizing it to enhance our test automation process. It allowed us significantly increasing the speed of software development and testing. Let me provide a brief overview of some key features and advantages that make Testim an effective addition to our testing arsenal.

Here’s what Testim.io allows to do:

  • Efficient Test Case Structure

Testim.io enables the creation of reusable test groups, steps and properties, ensuring a well-organized and maintainable test suite.

  • Fast Test Authoring

With its intuitive record feature, Testim.io streamlines the process of creating test cases, saving valuable time and effort.

  • Built-in Conditions and Loops

Testim.io comes equipped with a variety of built-in conditions and loops, allowing testers to validate elements’ visibility on the page, perform text validation, and execute various test scenarios.

  • Implementing Waits and Sleep

Testim.io offers flexibility in implementing waits and sleep commands to handle timing-related issues during test execution.

  • Organizing Test Suites

Testers can easily organize their test suites and set labels, ensuring better manageability and test case categorization.

  • Debugging Functions

Testim.io provides powerful debugging functionalities, including setting up breakpoints and playing tests using the user interface, aiding in identifying and resolving issues effectively.

  • Test Scheduling

Teams can schedule test runs conveniently, automating the testing process and saving time for other critical tasks.

  • Cross-Browser Testing

Testim.io supports different web browsers, allowing comprehensive testing across multiple platforms.

  • Flexibility in leveraging the power of creating custom action using Javascript

Testim.io provides flexibility in building custom steps using programming language.

  • Smooth Integration with other tools

It is possible to integrate Testim.io suites with CI/CD Solutions (Jenkins, TeamCity, Bamboo, GitLab, GitHub and others), Test Management tools (TestRail, qTest, TTM), Jira, Slack, and more.

One of Testim.io’s most significant advantages is its embedded self-healing mechanism, setting it apart from Selenium. By assigning self-healing smart locators to identify and find each web element, Testim adapts to page changes automatically. This means that if an element becomes difficult to locate due to UI changes, Testim evaluates the tests and automatically improves them before they break. This self-healing capability makes tests tolerant to non-functional UI changes, significantly reducing maintenance efforts and ensuring robust test stability.

In conclusion, Testim.io stands as an efficient AI-powered tool that streamlines test automation, making test case creation, maintenance, and execution faster, more reliable, and accessible to testers with varying levels of programming expertise. Its self-healing mechanism ensures that tests remain resilient to UI changes, saving valuable time and resources. As a result, Testim.io empowers software teams to focus more on delivering high-quality products and less on the burdens of test maintenance.

Testim.io Tool: How to start?

If you’re not yet familiar with Testim.io and its capabilities, I highly recommend creating a free account and exploring its features by trying out various scenarios. You can begin by creating a simple test case, validating text and elements, and even building custom JavaScript actions.

To get started with the tool, there is an informative video and official documentation available that you can help you with a better understanding of Testim.io’s functionalities and how to effectively utilize them in your testing process.



Eleonora Belova

Passionate QA Engineer. Love automating testing routines, fan of exploratory testing. Enjoy volunteering for professional communities.